St. Vincent
St. Vincent (2014)
Drew's Rating: 8/10
Vincent (Bill Murray), a drunken, grizzled Vietnam vet, is the cantankerous old man you don't want as a neighbor. Maggie (Melissa McCarthy) and her young son Oliver find out first-hand when they move in next door. When Maggie enlists Vincent to babysit Oliver in the afternoons she worries about Vincent's influence on Oliver, but the two find they have something to learn from each other.My Two Cents: If you do not believe that Bill Murray is an American treasure then stop watching movies (and keep your opinion to yourself). He shines as a darker version of some of the characters he's shared with us previously (kind of a Phil Connors-meets-Frank Cross, but with a harder edge and not as dramatic of a 180 degree redemption arc).
Drew's Rating: 8/10
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